Color Relationships

Image result for dinotopia arthur denison
Monochromatic Schemes
Monochromatic Schemes

  • composed of any single hue taken through a range of value or chroma
  • a drawing tool such as a pencil or pastel automatically creates a monochromatic image
  • Grisaille painting was most often used as a preliminary step to plan the tonal values before the colors were overlaid in transparent glazes
Image result for gurney ancient mountain mammals
Warm and Cool
Warm and Cool
  • Cool colors suggest quietness, restfulness, and calm
  • Warm colors connote energy and passion
  • develop interest in a painting by placing warm colors and cool colors adjacent to one another
Image result for gurney studies of plaster heads
Colored Light Interactions
Colored Light Interactions
  • Additive color mixing: blending color in the eye rather than pigments; one light is added to another
  • complementary shadow colors; if you have two light sources of different colors shining on the same form, the cast shadow from each light source will be the color of the other source
Image result for gurney saurian steps
  • composed of any three basic colors
    • (does not have to be tube colors)
  • each one of those colors goes through a whole set of variations in the picture
Image result for escape from posidos
Color Accent
Color Accent
  • an accent attracts the eye to the center of interest
  • a small area of color that is noticeably different from the other colors in the composition
  • usually more highly chromatic than the rest of the picture
  • can also be used to provide relief from large areas of unrelieved hues
  • keep color scheme from becoming too mechanical or predictable


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