Light and Form

Image result for james gurney light and form

Key Terms:

  • The Form Principle:
    • analysis of nature in terms of geometric solids
  • Modeling Factors
    • each lighting setup has a different set of tonal steps from light to shadow
  • Terminator
    • area where the form transitions from light into shadow. It occurs where the light rays from the source are tangent to the edge of the form.
    • also called the "bedbug line"
  • Occlusion shadow
    • points of contact that include the darkest parts of the shadow
  • Core of the Shadow
    • another dark part of the shadow just beyond the terminator
    • only forms if the secondary source of light doesn't overlap too much with the main light
  • Half light
  • the darker halftone just before the line of the terminator divides the light from shadowImage result for james gurney maine coast

    Grouping Planes
    • It helps if you organize groups of planes that are roughly parallel. 
    • Grouping planes makes it easier to sort things out
    • Always try to state the form in terms of light and shadow
    Texture at the Terminator
    • A common mistake in painting a textured form in sunlight is to make the texture equally prominent throughout the form.
    • The texture is very difficult to see at all in the shadow region
    Diffuse light
  • all of the upward facing planes tend to be lighter since they recieve more of the diffused light

    • in soft light, such as overcast light, there is no distinct light side, shadow side, terminator or core. 
    Image result for james gurney pan the satyr


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