Light's Changing Show
Serial Painting |
- creation of multiple plein-air studies of the same subject under different lighting conditions
- a set of closely related studies one after another
- storyboard a day of your life
- do quick sketches of a changing landscape on a drive
- makes you rely on your visual memory
- at the end of the day, you will have a series of color schemes that show the changes of light from morning to night
- Tips:
- choose a motif that has a piece of sky and some distant pieces of space
- paint the images on a set of separate panels on a larger board taped off into smaller rectangles
- keep the drawing consistent so that the only variable is light and color
- as you begin each study, don't look at the previous ones
- paint the subject at different times of the day and you can return to the same spot at a different season of the year
At the End of the Day
- Keep these 10 points in mind:
- color and light are closely related
- viewers will see the subject, but feel the color and light
- choose a lighting plan and stick to it
- know your color wheel
- know your gamut (the complete range or scope of something.)
- vision is an active process, we don't see as a camera does
- there is not a single brand of realism
- as you paint, you must constantly make comparisons from one area to another
- the outer eye fuels the inner eye, make observational sketches
- We are fortunate to be living today! Paints can be relatively cheap and there are many reference images on the internet
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