Visual Perception
A World Without Color the visual brain processes tonal information separately from color information humans are trichromats, meaning they have three kinds of color receptors Is Moonlight Blue? moonlight is actually reddish (according to science) our visual system plays tricks on us when we look at things in dim light artists known for painting moonlight include: JMW Turner, James Whistler, Fredric Remington, and Maxfield Parrish paint some swatches and compare their shades in the moonlight they become more monochromatic red looks darker in the moonlight while greens look lighter Edges and Depth edges: refer to the painterly control of blurriness, especially along the boundary of a form can help communicate depth/dim illumination depth of field; one plane of distance is in focus at a time blur increases as objects get farther from the plane of focus sharp edges are harder to see in the dark Color Oppositions complements suggest an...