Mixing Color Strings Color string: group of prepared blobs of a given hue mixed in a set of steps from light to dark saves time when painting observationally Free mixing where you use the brush to mix each new stroke from the tube colors Premixing batches of colors prepared in advance Colors should be carefully mixed from observation Advantages: uses less palette surface you can premix generous batches with a palette knife rather than a brush saves time The Reilly Method mix several color strings and use 10 tonal steps for each hue (10 value steps are more than you really need for most paintings) 4 or 5 is a good place to start Gamut Mapping Gamut Mapping the entire group of possible colors for a given painting shown as a polygon superimposed over the color wheel good color comes not just from what you include in a composition, but what you leave out of it Subjective primaries the cleanest mixtures between any two of the starting colors...